Monday, January 26, 2009

An Era gone by

I have never blogged. I have been following some, astounded at the flow of expressions that flow from the heart of so many. Giving away so much, yet so little. I have never chronicled my days of my life either. I wish I had - the pages would have been easy to flip and then colour them anew. Now all that remains are memories - of shared innocence, of jubliant triumphs that meant so much at that moment of time, of agonising pain of childhood dissapointments, of relief that some tasks are over. Ah! Innocence, of pretend playing, of missed opportunities, best friends and mortal enemies - all have now blended into a one whole picture getting hazy over time. Reasons do not mean so much any more, laughs over those eventful days more precious. Some life changing decisions taken in a split of a second, the magnitude of the moment not registering for so long.

An era gone by.